Our Home, Our Rights!

Safe and adequate housing is a right, not a privilege, regardless of where you come from. Asylum accommodation in the UK houses migrants in situations incompatible with their needs, engendering vulnerable groups to further harm.  

Housing solutions for young migrants should provide opportunities for integration and personal growth. It should actively avoid re-traumatisation and be a place of sanctuary for individuals during a time of upheaval and anxiety. 

We believe that change within the asylum accommodation provision in the UK is possible and necessary. 

We believe that: 

  • Everyone has the right to privacy and should not be forced to share a room.    

  • Everyone should have a safe and clean home, with access to a working kitchen.    

  • Young migrant people should not be away from their support network and services 

On the 20th June 2023, we hosted an event at the Museum of the Home to launch our full Housing Manifesto and Poetry Collection with a night of art, poetry, storytelling and open conversation.  

This evening was the culmination of many months of work. We created artwork with Teresa Hare-Duke and Queen Mary University’s Centre for Public Engagement, and wrote collective poetry that creatively explores our lived experiences with housing with Kazzum Arts. 

We were also joined by guest speakers from Migrant Organises Housing Action Group to unpack our encounters with inadequate migrant housing and our vision for the future.  

Everyone deserves to feel safe in their own home.

Click on the pictures to view our Poetry Booklet and Housing Manifesto: