Structural Inequalities Webinar Series

We were invited to participate in the Structural Inequalities Webinar on immigration policy and food insecurity on Monday 7th June. Co-hosted by the Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN), Sustain’s Right to Food Programme, Feeding Britain, and the University of York. Speakers considered immigration policies and the impact on the ability of migrants to afford food.

The session was chaired by Chris Stephens MP and Deirdre Woods, Co-Chair of IFAN’s Board of Trustees.

Panellists included Dr Jasber Singh (Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience), Annette James (Micah Liverpool), Ilona Pinter (London School of Economics) and experts by experience representing the Govan Community Project Food for All Group and Brighter Futures.

There will be a report published on IFAN's website in the coming months based on the webinar and additional evidence. 

This webinar is part of a series run alongside the University of York and Feeding Britain and focusses on how structural inequalities create and maintain food insecurity in the UK.