Map of Me


Sometimes it can be difficult to get a sense of the people and places we move with and in, and the impact they have on us (both positive and negative). By mapping these out, sometimes we can find clarity and objectivity in knowing what these spaces and people mean to us.

  1. List all the places you have been to in the last week (e.g. college, GP, bus stop, etc)

  2. Spend some time thinking about the people and places that exist in your everyday life, and the impact they have on you (write them down, if you like)

  3. Now you’re going to map them out. Draw a map of your life, and draw a picture for each place. Which of these are positive places for you and which are negative? Use a different colour to mark the positive and negative spaces out.

  4. Have a look at your map. What spaces are positive? Why? Can you make the most of these positive spaces more? What about the negative ones? Sometimes these spaces are unavoidable (like the Home Office). What can you do to make them more bearable? How much time do you spend in each of these spaces? Could you spend more time in the positive ones? If you want, write down your reflections on your map.

  5. If you want, you can add people to your map as well.

  6. Put your map up somewhere you can see it, or keep it somewhere safe and easily accessible. Change/add to your map if your feelings about a place or person changes, or if any new people or places of significance come into your life.

Brighter Futures