Object Focusing

Resources you will need:

A selection of small objects

(These can be from nature, home, small toys- the choices are endless, but ensure that it is a new object to the young person)


To enable young people to focus and clear their mind.


This exercise asks young people to work individually and use objects to help them to meditate. We have found meditation, although beneficial, can seem strange and alien to many young people. We found that incorporating a practical focus can be helpful for young people to engage in something they would normally find challenging.


  1.  Lay objects out either on the floor or on a table. These can be anything you think the young people would find interesting (we found that objects from nature can work well e.g. leaves, flowers, conkers etc.).

  2. Invite the young people to take their time to choose an object they are drawn to on the table.

  3. Once they have done this, ask them to sit in a circle, with chairs facing outward, holding their object.

  4. Ask the young people to look at the object closely and notice as much as they can about its colour, texture, scent, weight, temperature patterns and so forth.

  5. Now ask the young people to think about where the object started its life, and the journey the object has gone on to reach this place.

  6. Finally, ask the young people to think for a while about why they chose the object, what it reminds them of and how they feel holding it.

RelaxationBrighter Futures