Personal Strengths

Resources you will need:

Flip chart paper
A handful of pens
A selection of A4 paper


To enable young people to think about their own strengths.


This is a whole group game encouraging young people to identify their own strengths to being to improve their levels of self-esteem.


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  1. The facilitator asks the group to quickly list as many strengths they can think of.

  2. Try and get a long list out of the group and add any you can think of that they haven’t identified.

  3. Make sure all definitions or words are clarified.

  4. Then ask the young people to choose 3 of the strengths they feel they have.

  5. Once they have thought about this, ask the young people to stand up and introduce themselves to everyone in the room within 2 minutes by shaking their hand and saying, ‘Hello my name is ….. and I am ….’ listing one of their 3 strengths.

    Taking it home

    Take some art materials into the session (pens, glue, glitter, crepe paper, etc.) and give individuals some time to create a piece of art using the words they chose for themselves. If possible, bring some clip frames so that they can take them home and put them up in their rooms. Alternatively, make a larger poster/piece of art using everyone’s words to go up in the group space.

Brighter Futures